This year's NWMC Summer Service Team will be in Korea from June 7 to July 19. Please keep Korea and us in your prayers. Soli Deo gloria.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome! 환영합니다!

Welcome to our blog.

We are the members of the 2011 Summer Service Team sent to Korea (6 June–19 July 2011) by the New Wilmington Mission Conference (New Wilmington, Pa.):
Addie Domske
Katie Gray
Kristin Mann
Chrissy Moudry
Sarah Workman
Kang Na (Summer Service Team adviser-leader)
We'll try to keep you posted on what God has been up to in Korea and what we experience during our mission.

Please keep Korea and us in your prayers.

Soli Deo gloria.

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