This year's NWMC Summer Service Team will be in Korea from June 7 to July 19. Please keep Korea and us in your prayers. Soli Deo gloria.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

13th Lord's Day in Ordinary Time -- extraordinary for us

We worshiped today at Yougnak (pronouned Young-Nahk) Presbyterian Church (영락교회 = "Eternal Delight/Joy Church") the world's largest Presbyterian church, founded in 1945. You'll have to wait to hear the details, but here are some photos of just a little bit of the amazing experiences we've been blessed to have. Thank you NWMC! We have much to share with you after our return.
serving the homeless in central Seoul
cleaning up after serving the homeless
welcome by the kids at Sky School (at Heaven's Gate Church and prayer retreat center)
Addie and Sarah meeting the kids before teaching them English
Kristin teaching English
Chrissy teaching English
worship at Heaven's Gate (1,000 worship services per year, at least 2 per day, at least 2 hours long each)
night of fun with the college students at Heaven's Gate
praying together after the Praise Song Competition
our first midnight meal (삼겹살 = yummy bacon-like meat, aka "midnight meat")
a field trip to Home Plus (to shop & eat)
college worship service at Young-Nahk Presbyterian Church

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