This year's NWMC Summer Service Team will be in Korea from June 7 to July 19. Please keep Korea and us in your prayers. Soli Deo gloria.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Deli Manjoo, yes! No thanks on the silkworm larvae.

[Blessed Pentecost! Below is a blog entry from the student members of the Summer Service team. There has been much to experience and much to think about. Keep us in your prayers as we also keep you in ours. Thank you. (Kang Na, your grateful Summer Service team leader)]

Hello (or Ahn-nyuhng Ha-seh-yoh 안녕하세요)!

The transition to the food here has been interesting; the milk is not so nice to our tummies, but things are getting better each day! Kristin was daring and tried octopus. The treat of steamed silkworm larvae was not as popular as Dr. Na hoped it would be. We were very happy to have sandwiches and Deli Manjoo, a pancake-like pastry filled with cream.

In the past few days, we have been navigating our way through the subways and have been busy immersing ourselves in Korean culture. Lotte World, the equivalent of a small Disney World, was very interesting. We had the opportunity to observe Koreans as they interact in an indoor-outdoor amusement park.

We also visited the Korean Folk Village and met these performers of traditional music and dance:

Yesterday we went on a tour of the Demilitarized Zone and stood in North Korea for about two minutes. It was a somber but educational experience.

Today we attended a Korean worship service and spent the afternoon in a café famous for its café au laits.

On Tuesday our group will head to a prayer retreat center to experience a time of much needed rest and reflection.

As we adjust to the new time zone, a different schedule, and many miles of walking each day, please pray for our health, strength, and focus. Because of our busy schedule here, our posts may be sporadic. We will do our best to keep you updated though! For shorter, more frequent posts, check out Addie's twitter.

The Seoul Patrol


  1. It's wonderful to read your posts and see your pictures. I was on the summer service team that went to Korea back in the 80's (1985?). I'll never forget the first night we arrived tromping into our room without taking our shoes off. We were all so tired and just forgot! But our host was most gracious in pointing out our faux pas... Enjoy your trip!

  2. Thanks for your reply post, and hearty greetings from an incredibly beautiful mountain retreat east of Seoul! We're about to leave this paradise for a little rougher experience (doing some farm work with a community of retired women ministers and church workers). We'll be blogging after our return to Seoul at the end of this week. Keep praying for us and send any wisdom for our SS team.
