This year's NWMC Summer Service Team will be in Korea from June 7 to July 19. Please keep Korea and us in your prayers. Soli Deo gloria.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

from the mountains of Korea

[Blessed Trinity Sunday! Below is another blog entry from the student members of the Summer Service team. We spent some time with Korean students, and then we spent 5 days away visiting rural and mountainous Korea and the various mission sites of Korean Christians, all founded and run by Presbyterians, but some are open to others, including Buddhists and non-believers. We wish you were here to see, hear, smell, and taste what wonderful things God has wrought in this little nation. (Kang Na, your grateful Summer Service team leader)


Hi friends!

Sorry we didn't have internet for the last four days. We went to a beautiful prayer retreat center on Tuesday, Mosegol (모새골 [pronounced Moh-Seh-Gohl] = valley where all things are made new).
entrance to Moh-Seh-Gohl church (and prayer retreat center)

labyrinth at Moh-Seh-Gohl

communal meals at Moh-Seh-Gohl
the lounge (café) at Moh-Seh-Gohl
The time there was spent in prayer and fellowship and provided renewed focus for our group. It overlooked a beautiful mountain which we were able to view from anywhere we looked. We then went to a retirement home for women church workers (mostly evangelists) and ordained ministers.
Dragon Gate Temple at Dragon Gate Mountain (near the retirement home)
some tourists jumping for some tourist reasons at Dragon Gate Temple

ubiquitous indoor slippers waiting for NWMC feet
daily evening prayer service (NB the slippers)
 We also visited its affiliate care center for (mostly) elderly women with Alzheimers and Dementia.
lady in pink teaching traditional Korean dance
balloon game

We spent an evening helping the retired women pick sesame leaves.
There we also had an emotional encounter with North Korean defectors who worked on the farm with the women. We had a great conversation with them and we learned from each other during this time of interaction.
four North Korean defectors who became Christians
We concluded Friday evening with the North Koreans praying for North Korea.
Tomorrow (Sunday) we are going to the biggest church in the world! Hope to see ya there :)

Love in rice,
The Seoul Patrol


  1. Hello from New Wilmington! The pictures are incredible. What a wonderful opportunity for growth and expansion of ideas, beliefs, knowledge and fellowship.--jen morgan

  2. Who's the guy in the hat? Fetching!
