This year's NWMC Summer Service Team will be in Korea from June 7 to July 19. Please keep Korea and us in your prayers. Soli Deo gloria.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Greetings from Korea!

We just arrived safe (and tired) from about 24 hours of traveling.

NB: lucky 13 was our baggage claim carousel.

We've moved into the Luce Center for the Global Church on the campus of the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary.

Now off to explore our neighborhood a little . . .

Our first meal (supper) in Korea, with Mr. Park, paid magnanimously by Prof. Young-Sang Ro of the Dept. of Theology at PCTS.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you made it safe and sound! This blog is a wonderful idea. I look forward to hearing about all of your adventures! Lori

  2. Get some rest and know we are praying for you.
    Have a great time! Doug Workman

  3. truly looking forward to hearing all about it. We're praying for you and we hope you have a wonderful time!
    ~Alyson Craig FPC

  4. So glad you've arrived safely! Praying for you and looking forward to reading all about your journeys.
